How to Iron Dress Shirts

How do you Iron a Dress Shirt?

There is not much worse than getting up in the morning and realizing that all your dress shirts are dirty or too wrinkly to wear. I think everyone has had this situation happen before. But what do you do? Call in sick? Not wear a dress shirt? Wear a wrinkled dress shirt? Go to your dry-cleaner on the way to work hoping you still have a few nicely pressed shirts there that needed to be picked up weeks ago? Well, there actually are a few things you can do that don’t take much time.

The first thing you want to do is look for a shirt that is clean and has the least amount of wrinkles. Once you found your shirt, it is important to hang it on a hanger. Do this right after you get up to give the fabric more time to hang straight. The best trick to remove wrinkles without doing any work, is to get the shirt moist with hot steam. How do you do this? Well, it is actually quite simple. Hang your shirt in your bathroom while taking a hot shower. Hang it close to the shower to make sure that most of the steam can get to the shirt without getting it wet. Chances are that most of the wrinkles will be gone by the time your are done taking your shower, and the shirt looks good enough to wear.

If this tip didn’t work, then prepare to iron your dress shirt. Before you take a shower turn on the iron to let it get hot. Make sure your iron is at a safe place to avoid a fire. If you have a steam-iron make sure that the tank is filled with water -it will be much easier to iron your shirt with steam than not. To iron your dress shirt, your should use an ironing board. If you don’t own one, you can still iron your dress shirt on a flat, non-flammable, and non-staining surface. A good option is to lay 2 or 3 cotton towels onto a wooden table. Open all the buttons of your dress shirt and lay it down flat. Start by ironing your shirt collar. Then iron the shoulder area, then the back, the sides, and eventually the front. When ironing your sleeved make sure that the lower layer of the sleeve is not overlapping. If it is, you will be creating strong crevices that will make your dress shirt look even more wrinkled.

If you don’t have the time to iron your dress shirt, then the shower trick might work for you. If you still feel like your shirt is too wrinkled, then leave your jacket on for the first part of the day. As the day progresses most of your colleagues’ dress shirts will have gotten a few wrinkles as well, and you might actually blend in quite well.

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Your Cheap-Neckties Team

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