The Interview Success Guide: Interviewing 101

How To Succeed at Interviews - Tips on Clothing and Preparation

Everyone has been told at some point during college or high school, in order to land the job of your dreams, you need to dress for success. While dressing appropriately will show your interviewers you respect the process, it’s how you handle yourself after the first handshake that will either get you the job of your dreams or continue you down the job-searching-death-trap. Here are our tips and suggestions to help set yourself apart from the rest.

Figure out what kind of job you’re interviewing for and the necessary attire. If you’re heading into finance, insurance, academia, or consulting, embrace the professional attire and pay attention to detail. A standard and classically styled necktie is a must. Business casual attire for interviews should be handled with care. Be sure to not underdress and hurt any chances of being the chosen one. For industries where business casual dress is appropriate, don’t leave out a blazer, pressed pants, a crisp shirt, and tie for the guys. Depending on the industry, a trendy skinny tie can be appropriate.

Your likelihood of landing the job certainly starts with the outfit but the bulk of your time should be spent preparing for the conversation. Researching the company, narrowing down the reasons you want the job, and what makes you the perfect candidate are all important things to figure out before heading to the interview meeting. To show yourself worthy of the job, be sure to prepare questions for the interviewers. This shows you put in the time to and energy to process through the role.

Grab a family member or friend to help flush out some common interview questions. Practicing helps calm nerves, trim down your answers, and prevent rambling. Map out your route to the location beforehand and have backups prepared if you rely on public transportation. Be sure to bring extra copies of your resume, a notebook, and portfolio of your work if needed. Prepare everything beforehand so you’ll be ready to walk out the door without scrambling. Don’t forget a bottle of water for spurts of nervous cottonmouth and emergency mints in case you have onions for lunch.

Feeling confident certainly comes across during interviews. Make sure to not add any additional stress by wearing uncomfortable or complicated clothing. Take the time to prepare at least the day before to let your mind relax the day of the interview. Above all, show your competence mixed in with your personality! Good luck!

See our collection of recommend interview ties HERE.

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