Skinny Tie 101 – The Art of Wearing Skinny Ties

Style Guide for Skinny Neckties

If you are in your 20s or early 30s, then chances are good you own a few skinny ties ranging from 2 to 2.5 inches in width. Because these pieces are much narrower in width than traditional neckties, they got to be worn in a way that is in proportion to the rest of your outfit & body type. Weather you are a skinny tie aficionado, or are considering to add the first one to your rotation, here are all the things you should know about these stylish accessories.

The Top 5 Rules for Skinny Ties
Following these five basic style principles will already be sufficient enough to wear your skinny ties in style. Follow these rules and you will avoid all the major fashion Faux Pas that often come along with slimmer neckties.

  1. Finding the Right Width Tie: Most skinny ties are 1.5 to 2.5 inches in width. The best width range, in our expert opinion is 2 – 2.5 inches. Anything narrower will looks like a leather tie worn back in the 60s. Anything wider will almost go towards a narrow European style necktie.
  2. The Right Proportion: By proportion we mean two things. The first relates to the proportion of own body type. If you have a bigger frame, and larger than average neck size, then a slightly wider skinny tie (about 2.5 inches) should be chosen. The other thing to consider is the proportion to the rest of your outfit. Skinny ties simply look its best when paired with slim fitted suits and narrow lapels.
  3. The Right Length: Skinny ties look off when worn too long. The best length is to have the tip of the tie end just above your belt buckle.
  4. Accessorizing Skinny Ties: Adding accessories is purply optional. Because skinny ties tend to dangle around a bit more than regular width ties, we suggest adding a tie bar or tie clip to your look. Again make sure that the clip is a bit narrower in size (about .5 inches narrower than the width of the tie).
  5. The Right Knot: Again, it comes down to proportion. Usually smaller knots are best. One of the best skinny tie knots is the so-called Four in Hand (see video below).

Tying a Skinny Tie

Matching Tie Style: Solid Black Skinny Ties
The solid black skinny tie is stylish, elegant, and sophisticated. If this is your look, then consider pairing the solid black skinny tie with other sleek & elegant pieces. Perfect here are monochromatic 3-piece suits, silver tie bars, monk strap dress shoes, and elegant white pocket squares made from either linen or silk.

When wearing a solid black skinny tie, it is best to keep things simple and elegant. This look here combines a modern cut suit, fitted dress shirt, and black skinny tie to create a sleek & stylish outfit. Note the narrow lapels on the suit and the shallow shirt collar on the dress shirt – both perfectly complimenting the slim width of the tie.

Matching Tie Style: Wool Skinny Ties
Skinny ties made from a coarser worsted wool are the perfect accessory for late fall and winter. They pair best with other heavier fabrics such as sport coats made from Harris tweed, 3-piece suits made from flannel wool, as well as sport coats paired with a V-neck cashmere sweater.

The perfect look for fall. This wool plaid tie in autumn colors is nicely paired with a wool cardigan in brown, and a beige camel hair sports coat.

Matching Tie Style: Knitted Skinny Ties
Knitted skinny ties are all the rage among younger, fashion conscious men. It is often a look associated with NY street style seen on stylishly dressed men in their late 20s to mid 30s. Knitted skinny ties look excellent in combination with cardigan sweaters, designer jeans, dress boots, and patterned sports coats. Depending on the color, knitted ties can be worn in any season.


A perfect look for your skinny tie in spring and summer. The bright indigo blue of the silk knit tie sets a nice contrast to the window-pane check suit.

A bit more casual, bust just as stylish, is the combination of skinny knit tie with cardigan, blazer, jeans, and dress boots.

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1 Comment

  1. Great article! I am a huge fan of knitted ties. While I do like stripes, I prefer simple solids. Nice collection.

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