Retro Style Guide for Men

Men’s Retro Fashion Guide

Styles and trend in men’s fashion come and go throughout the years, with some occasionally showing a great deal of staying power. One of the most common trends in recent years is dressing a retro, throwback style. Retro style allows for one to experiment with a great deal of different types of clothing and accessories, and can be a lot of fun for those who are interested in switching up their look. That said, there are plenty of pitfalls that need to be carefully avoided when dressing in this manner, some of which can result in some serious fashion fouls. The following are three tips to help just about any guy embrace retro style without worry of making questionable decisions.

Stick to a Specific Era
A common mistake made by those who are striving to embrace retro style is mixing clothing from a variety of different eras. This can no doubt be successful, but can also be a recipe for disaster for those who are new to retro style. Rather, it’s advisable for people who are just now getting into this method of dressing to choose a specific era to emulate. After all, 50s fashion is far different than that which was popular in the 70s/80s, although both could be considered “retro.” Choosing a specific era to influence your ensembles will allow you to focus on perfecting a look, and cuts down on your chances of combining clothing items and accessories that don’t work well together.

Shop Vintage
Retro-style clothing is a trend that has practically overwhelmed the fashion industry, with many modern designers releasing period pieces as part of their lines. That said, if you’re going to play the part, you may as well go the extra mile by shopping for vintage clothing that was produced during the era that you’re trying to emulate. This will not only result in ensembles that are more true to style, but can help you to save a great deal of money, as vintage clothing is typically available for a fraction of what new pieces cost. The best way to find vintage clothing and accessories is to shop at a high-end thrift store. You can get a lot of mileage out of talking with the store owner about the specific style that you’re going for and asking them to recommend pieces out of their collection, which is highly recommended for those who are new to dressing in a retro style.

Stay Conservative
A lot of people use dressing in a retro style as an excuse to put together outfits that are loud and attention-getting. This is a huge caveat that can be difficult to avoid given the variety of different clothing and accessories that can be paired with one another in a creative manner. That said, you’ll be far better off if you stay conservative with the ensembles that you put together. In a world full of fashion trends, retro style stands out already without the need to take things over the top, and doing so typically results in a look that attracts attention for all the wrong reasons. By starting with conservative ensembles, you can add different clothing and accessories one at a time if need by, which will result in a more controlled, refined look.

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