Bars & Clips For Neckties

Time to Raise The Bar!

With male fashion returning to flaunt the streets it is no secret that some less popular accessories are becoming fashionable again. As more men become aware of the need for proper fashion they begin to develop a need to set more masculine trends. One trend that has become common is the tie bar!

The Fall & Rise of the Tie
The tie bar has been around for many years and was popular by many of the higher class in the early 20th century; however during World War II the use of the tie bar became rarer. One reason for this is the fact that tie bars were a part of military uniform and no one wished to have yet another reminder of the war. Another reason is the fact that post war it became more common for women to do the shopping for men and tie tacks were not the feminine preference. While the tie bar was never totally lost to fashion, it has been reintroduced by the Metro sexual man who now spends as much time on his appearance as his wife or girlfriend does.

How Big is a Bar?
It is not uncommon to find tie bars that fit both the traditional tie measuring between 2 ¾ and 3 ½ inches and the very popular new super skinny ties that may be as small as 1 ½ inches or even 1 inch.

Is a Bar Formal or Informal?
Tie bars can be either dressy or informal and come in as many if not more varieties as the tie tack. You can purchase tie bars with diamonds and precious metals! Tie bars like this look as good as any jewelry you may chose to wear. Most classy are modern and sleek designs. Tie bars that are too gaudy are much less popular.

You can also find tie bars that reflect your personality. These may be in the shape of sports or musical equipment as well as many other stylish yet comical forms. No matter which way you choose to go a tie bar will look fantastic. With the number of options available to those choosing a tie bar the only question that remains is, “How do I wear one?”

How to wear a Tie Bar?
A tie bar is simply slid onto the tie about halfway between the knot and the tip of the tie. When doing this you should imagine a sliding scale. Start at the top and slide your finger down to what feels comfortable, and what looks right to you. Usually the tie bar is worn near the center of the tied necktie, and attaches the necktie to the dress shirt. Other options that are similar to the tie bar but much less trendy, are tie pins (they are pinned through the tie), and tie chains.

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